The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20221106)

The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20221106)

NOTE: this update will be fully released as of November 6, 2022.

A Time Saving Update: Export to Quickbooks (TSA-15164)


Why We Worked on This

Save time with the ability to export Invoices and Payments from The Shed App to your 3rd party accounting software such as Quickbooks (note that Quickbooks Desktop will require that the file be converted into the qbo file format. We recommend using Transaction Pro for this).

Additional Updates

Feature: Add Operations to Export/Import for Catalogs (TSA-15015)

Why We Worked on This

This extends the Manage Operations functionality and makes it much easier to manage Operations for items in the catalogs.

Feature: Added the Ability to Request Payment on Invoices Before the Invoice is Open (TSA-15125)

Why We Worked on This

Now admin users can request a payment on an invoice prior to the invoice being opened, making it easier to accommodate customers that would like to make a payment on the invoice before the order is fulfilled.

Feature: Process Payables → Process Operations (TSA-14517)

Why We Worked on This

Now admin users can process Operations under the Process Payables menu (only available for Manage Operations) (Alpha test)

Feature: Add Contacts (TSA-15240)

Why We Worked on This

Companies can now Add Contacts outside of the order form. This is a step towards allowing companies to sell products to another company and continues the formal separation between Orders and RTO Contracts.

Update: Inventory Storefront → ‘You may also be interested in…’ Update to Swiper element (TSA-15120)

Why We Worked on This

Improved the user experience on the Inventory Storefront page.

Update: Extend Production Statuses: Complete Operations (TSA-15040)

Why We Worked on This

This improved the UX for companies testing Manage Operations (Alpha test).

Update: Office Admin Roles Can Add Other Office Admins (3D-Basic) (TSA-15195)

Why We Worked on This

Allows more users with managerial roles to be added on 3D Basic accounts.

Update: Office Admin Roles Can Add Other Office Admins (3D-Sales) (TSA-15194)

Why We Worked on This

Allows more users with manager roles to be added on 3D Sales accounts.

Update: Update Production Status Page: Allow Access When Ready to Deliver (TSA-15189)

Why We Worked on This

This removes the Forbidden Access message and provides access to the Update Production Status page after the building is Ready to Deliver, helping reduce user confusion.

Update: Building Return → Pre-sale Operation (TSA-15188)

Why We Worked on This

This formally moves the Building Return function to the Pre-sale Operations with a much needed update to the UI and changes to the availability function.

Update: Add Store Surcharge to Update and View Building (TSA-14994)

Why We Worked on This

This makes it easier to track existing store surcharges on a building.

Update: View Building → Only Allow Admins and Managers to Delete Production Status Records (TSA-15217)

Why We Worked on This

All user roles are allowed to View Building, but not all users should be allowed to edit Production Status records.

Update: Extend Export Function for Invoices: Add Order ID (TSA-15224)

Why We Worked on This

This extends the data available for export for Invoices.

Update: Extend Stores: Allow RTO Contracts to be Provided By Non-Building Owners (TSA-15223)

Why We Worked on This

Prior to this, if a building was owned by an RTO company, only that RTO company could provide contracts for orders for their buildings. With this update, companies can allow contracts to be provided for orders that have buildings owned by other RTO companies.

Update: Re-sync Geo Data in Database for Images (TSA-15220)

Why We Worked on This

After we upgraded the server hardware, we overlooked re-starting some of the services that were required to correctly read geo data on images. We corrected the oversight some time ago and needed to re-sync the geo data for the images that were uploaded while these services were down.

Update: Added the Order Date to Invoice Data Export (TSA-15244)

Why We Worked on This

Per client request.

Bug: Some Company Settings Not Available (TSA-15193)

Bug: Cannot Open Inventory Request Order (TSA-15201)

Bug: Unexpected Behavior on Open Order Default (TSA-15198)

Bug: Unexpected Behavior on Manage Throughput and Manage Production Default Dimensions (TSA-15205)

Bug: Unexpected Behavior on Store Surcharges and Inventory Forms (TSA-15205)

Bug: Unexpected Behavior on Building Sold Status (TSA-15215)

Bug: Empty Dashboard for Manager User Role (TSA-15210)

Bug: Manage Throughput → Order Information: Building SN No Longer Clickable (TSA-15203)

Bug: Unexpected Behavior on CRA for some CRA Deduction Types (TSA-15222)

Bug: Employee User Role Not Able to Upload Images on Update Production Status Page (TSA-15219)

Bug: Building Images Not Reading Geo Coordinates on Upload (TSA-15209)

Bug: Server Error on Copy Building Data Function (and Optimized) (TSA-15181)

Bug: Order Form Requiring Additional Deposit (TSA-14685)

Why We Worked on This

In select cases, the order form required an additional deposit prior to proceeding to the Summary Stage.

Bug: Due Today - Allowing Amount Greater than Order Total (TSA-15211)

Bug: Due Today - Not Updating as Expected (TSA-15212)

Bug: Unexpected Behavior on Quantity of Interior Options (TSA-15135)

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