The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220915)
NOTE: this update will be fully released as of September 15, 2022.
An Update for the Future (Bill of Materials) (TSA-15152)
Why We Worked on This
This was an important step for laying the groundwork for the Bill of Materials and for allowing companies to sell products other than sheds through the order form.
PLEASE NOTE: this update is seamless and no changes are required for your workflow - that is, unless you really want to make changes; feel free to watch the video for more details.
Additional Updates
Oversight: Users Unable to Load Some 3D (TSA-15158)
Why We Worked on This
Depending on the use case, some users were unable to access and load some buildings in 3D. This was introduced unintentionally with efficiency improvements to the order form.
Request Review: Maintain Building Sold Status (TSA-15138)
Why We Worked on This
When a review of an order was requested by an admin or manager, the building sold status on the order was changed from sold to unsold; this unintentionally permitted the building to be added to new order. This task resolved this issue.
Bug: Incorrect Date Format on Delivery and Work Order PDFs (TSA-15144)
Why We Worked on This
Depending on a company locale, the date format was parsed incorrectly preventing the PDF from being generated. This task resolved this issue.