How to Bulk Update Option Prices
Once you have all of your options added to the “Option Catalog”, you may find that you are wanting to change the price of a large number of the options. This page explains how this can be done by exporting them into a spreadsheet, making the changes, and then importing the spreadsheet back into TSA and bulk updating the options.
Navigate to System > Catalogs > Options
Click on Export and Import in the upper right-hand corner, this will bring up a modal
Click download .xls
This will download a spreadsheet to your computer
Duplicate the downloaded spreadsheet
This is not required but is recommended that you save the original somewhere you can get it later if needed
Make the appropriate edits to the duplicated spreadsheet
It is also recommended that you save the edited spreadsheet with a different name e.g, “new prices 02-2022”
Navigate back to the Export and Import screen and click to upload
This will open a file browser where you can select the edited spreadsheet
Click Verify and Apply
This allows you to double-check everything is correct
Click Apply
The new prices will be applied
The columns included in the export are the only columns that can be edited. If columns are added or removed from the spreadsheet, it will not be able to be imported.