How to Onboard Your Sales Team.

How to Onboard Your Sales Team.


One challenging part of using a new software service such as The Shed App, is getting your team onboard. The goal of this article is to help you start that process and to provide some helpful resources.

Every sales team is different and we don’t claim to know the best way to onboard every type of sales team to The Shed App.


Expectations for the Sales Team

We encourage you to establish a set of expectations for your sales team with regard to how The Shed App should be used in the sales process. Often times this may include setting expectations for a CRM as well.

Here is a list of questions that can be answered to help create the guide.

  • How are online leads going to be assigned to salespeople?

  • How should online leads be followed up with?

  • How should quotes be created?

  • How should payments be collected?

  • How do I create an RTO order in The Shed App?

  • How do I know when I have completed the order?


Here is an example document that we have created to show a basic approach.


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