How to Customize Order Form Settings

How to Customize Order Form Settings


This article will guide you through customizing your Order Form settings, including where to find these options and what each setting allows you to do. Whether you want to tailor the design options, add personalized messages, or make your Order Form more user-friendly, we've got you covered.

Order Form Settings can be found under System > Settings > Order Form

Order Form Options

What does each setting allow?

Building Design Options for Authenticated Users

This controls which design options on the order form for the salesperson.

Building Design Option for Guest Users

This controls which design options are available on the order form for users that are not logged in.

Building Design Start Tab

This controls which tab is selected by default o the Design My Building step.

Custom Background Availability

This controls the availability of the Custom Background option on the 3D designer.

Finalize Order Availability

This controls the availability of the Finalize Order stage on the order form for guest users

Require Phone Number on Save

Warn on Order Submit

Authenticated users will receive a warning about submitting an order if this is turned on and your account is currently in the base subscription tier. this is intended to prevent accidental order submittals and unintentional tier advancement.


Personalized Messages on Order Form.


What does each setting allow?

Custom Order Form Message

This can be used to add a message on the order form. This message is intended for authenticated users and will not appear for guest users or on mobile devices.

Custom Order Form Message for Guest Users

This can be used to add a message on the order form for guest users.

Custom Product Order Save Message for Guest Users

This can be used to customize the save 3D With Custom Pricing order message for the guest users.

Will my building fit where I want it to go?

Enter text here to answer questions about shed delivery and setup. The text will be available on the customer order form under the Will my built.ing fit where I want it to go? prompt.

Will my building fit where I want it to go? Video URL

Add a link to a YouTube video that helps your customers understand how your sheds are delivered and the requirements. This video will be available on the customer order form under the Will my building fit where I want it to go ? prompt.

Money Back Guarantee Label

This can be used to customize the Money Back Guarantee label on the order form.

Money Back Guarantee Text

This can be used to customize the informational text on the checkout stage of the order form. If this is empty, the default text will be used.

Close Sale Text

This can be used to customize the informational text on the checkout stage of the order form. If this is empty, the default text will be used.

Open Graph Settings

This section is used for sharing orders with customers. If an order doesn’t have a Title, Image, or Description, the items that you add to this section will be the default preview items.

Storefront Settings

Browse Call to Action

Use this to change the call to action on the storefront browse page.

Product Call to Action

Use this to change the call to action on the storefront product page.

'You may be also interested in...' Call to Action

Use this to change the call to action on the storefront 'You may also be interested in…' page.

Maximum items for 'You may be also interested in...'

This limits the maximum number of items that will be shown on the ‘You may also be interested in…’ section of the storefront product page.

Basis for Sale Item

Select one or more Discount options to be used as a trigger for a sale item on the storefront pages.


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