The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20240122)

The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20240122)


NOTE: this update will be fully released as of January 22, 2024.

The Supply Catalog (TSA-15091, TSA-15718)

Why We Worked on This

Supplies are the foundation for the Bill of Materials. Adding supplies to your supply catalog will allow you to create a post-scriptive Bill of Materials (an ‘after the fact’ Bill of Materials) to track the cost of supplies used in a building (see TSA-15605 below). In addition, you can make supplies available to the order form, which will allow you to sell more than just sheds and portable buildings (see TSA-15563, also below).

Additional Updates


Feature: New Product Type for Orders: Product Catalog (TSA-15563. TSA-15716. TSA-15719, TSA-15720)

Why We Worked on This

Sell more than just sheds - sell anything. Items can be added to your catalogs (right now just the Supply Catalog) and then made available to the Product Catalog. Items available in the Product Catalog can be sold on the order form - check out the video for more info!

Feature: Supplies: List of Supplies for Buildings (TSA-15605)

Why We Worked on This

No more guesswork - keep track of material costs on a building! After being ordered and received into inventory, supplies can be associated with a building, which will keep track of the count and cost of each supply used in the building and provide a total list of supplies for each building. Check out the video for more info and how-to!

Feature: Extend Notifications: Webhooks for RTO Companies (TSA-15641)

Why We Worked on This

Makes for some easy automatic RTO contract transfer to 3rd party applications.

Feature: Product Feeds for Store Inventory (TSA-15657)

Why We Worked on This

We extended the product feeds to include store inventory - now this can easily be used to sync with Sheds for Sales, Google Merchant Center, your own website, etc. Really good stuff.

Feature: Manage Deliveries: Add Export (TSA-15663)

Why We Worked on This

Added the export function to the Manage Deliveries page, making it a bit easier to download and then manipulate select data.

Feature: Order Notes and Attachments: Available to Contract Providers (TSA-15669)

Why We Worked on This

RTO companies needed access to the order notes and attachments - long overdue.

Feature: New Order: Refresh Order Form on Each New Order (Main Navigation) Click (TSA-15673)

Why We Worked on This

Clicking on this now refreshes the order form each time it is clicked. Pretty nice.


Update: Open Graph Variables for the Order Form (TSA-15575)

Why We Worked on This

Changes up the default values, providing personalized context for each potential customer (e.g., the customer sees an image of THEIR BUILDING now!)

Update: Extend Product Feed: 3D Model Reference (GLB) (TSA-15627)

Why We Worked on This

Adds a handy-dandy 3D model to the product feed.

Update: Order Form Optimization: Improve Building Model/Design Category Load Speed (TSA-15648)

Why We Worked on This

Sell sheds faster.

Update: Reports → Orders: Add Store Dimension (for all user roles) (TSA-15667)

Why We Worked on This

The store dimension was not available for some user roles on this report - this task remedied the problem.

Update: Extend Manage Inventory: Featured Image (TSA-15668)

Why We Worked on This

This makes it a bit easier to find the building that you need faster.

Update: Extend Order Form: Autocomplete Locations on RTO Application (TSA-15670)

Why We Worked on This

Making life easier for RTO applicants.

Update: Extend Table Header → Data Summary on Views: Max, Min, Average, Median (TSA-15671)

Why We Worked on This

Beats whipping out the calculator.

Update: System → Lists → Buildings: Add Export (TSA-15672)

Why We Worked on This

This adds the Export function to the building list page. Also moves Import to the Action icon for respective pages.

Update: Attachments → Full Page View (TSA-15682)

Why We Worked on This

Mo' better now.

Update: System → Order Form Settings: Google Tag Manager Account ID Validation (TSA-15698)

Why We Worked on This

We were validating for GTM-XXXXXXX; this update also validates for GTM-XXXXXXXX (which was necessary).

Update: Product Feeds - Extended Description Content (TSA-15700)

Why We Worked on This

Better results for search engines = more traffic to client inventory pages.

Update: Extend Webhook Payloads: Taxable Yes/No on Order Options (TSA-15704)

Why We Worked on This

This detail turns out to be pretty important to keep track of on the payloads.

Update: Extend RTO Document Template Variables: Monthly Rent x3 (TSA-15722)

Why We Worked on This

This detail turns out to be pretty important to keep track of on the payloads.


Bug: Unable to Search Contacts on iPad (TSA-15528)

Why We Worked on This

iPad, Schmo-pad.

Bug: Available to Storefront Toggle Not Sticking (TSA-15565)

Why We Worked on This

This was broken somewhere along the way. Fixed now.

Bug: Rent-to-Own: Starting at… (TSA-15618)

Why We Worked on This

In select cases, the 'Starting at…' reference was not referring to the correct (i.e., lowest) RTO term.

Bug: Location Filter on Manage Inventory (TSA-15619)

Why We Worked on This

Using the search function on this filter provided unexpected results.

Bug: Order Total Bug (TSA-15620)

Why We Worked on This

In select cases the order total was not displaying as expected on some pages.

Bug: Cancel Order Notification Email Preview (TSA-15630)

Why We Worked on This

The preview on this email notification was mistakenly referencing the current user name.

Bug: Building Design Revisions: Missing Options in Archived Designs (TSA-15675)

Why We Worked on This

In select cases, archived building designs were losing track of options

Bug: Accounting → Invoice Payments: Received on Filter (TSA-15679)

Why We Worked on This

This wasn’t always working as expected. Fixed.

Bug: CTA Conflict on Mobile (TSA-15708)

Why We Worked on This

Spacing on the Call-to-Action buttons was a bit goofy on mobile.

Bug: Date Sold Search Results (TSA-15714)

Why We Worked on This

Search results on the Date Sold data were not as expected on the Buildings list page.

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