The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220807)

The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220807)

NOTE: this update will be fully released on August 12, 2022.

Time Saving Update to the Delivery Update Page (TSA-15002, TSA-15050, TSA-15107)

Additional Updates

Inventory Building Availability (TSA-15079)

Why We Worked on This

Depending on the change order workflow, there were some rare cases that resulted in an inventory building being associated with an open order and still flagged as available to be sold. This update resolves this issue.

Driver Not Able to Add Notes to Delivery (TSA-15054)

Why We Worked on This

Depending on prior orders that a building was associated with and the current delivery type, drivers were not able to add or see notes for the delivery. This update resolves this issue.

Updates to the Inventory Storefront: Clickable Images, Image Resizing Priority and Monthly Payments (TSA-15068)

Why We Worked on This

The inventory storefront page was originally intended to be an example of what companies would be able to do with access to the TSA API. Since its release in 2021, companies have come to rely on the page for relaying their current inventory to potential customers. This update added some additional functionality.

View Order: Add Building SN as 'NA' when Building Does Not have an SN (Build-to-Order) (TSA-15054)

Why We Worked on This

This allows quick and easy access to the view building page for build-to-order buildings prior to the order being processed.

Various Updates to the Deposit Receipt PDF (TSA-15112, TSA-14972, TSA-14694, TSA-9509)

Why We Worked on This

Depending on the purchase and payment methods on an order, in some cases the Deposit Receipt PDF generated a server error. This update resolves this issue.

CRA Calculation (TSA-15127)

Why We Worked on This

Depending on the RTO Contract configuration for CRAs, some rare cases resulted in the CRA being calculated incorrectly. This update resolves this issue.

Invalid Sale Pending Error on Order with Inventory Building (TSA-15126)

Why We Worked on This

Depending on the purchase method and deposit option, rare cases sometimes resulted in a sale pending error for an inventory building. This update resolves this issue.

Order Form → Lead Generation Form: Extend Available Optional Fields (TSA-15105)

Why We Worked on This

This update allows companies to specify which fields are required (beyond the minimum name and email) on the order form’s lead generation page.

Estimated Delivery Period: Changes to Expected By and Promised By Dates Relationship (TSA-15000)

Why We Worked on This

A recent update made distinction between an order’s Promised By and Expected By dates. This update ties the order’s Promised By date to the last day of the order’s Estimated Delivery Period, with any changes to the Promised By date affecting the Estimated Delivery Period. Keep in mind that an order’s Promised By date serves as the basis for Overdue Orders, and the order’s Expected By date value is inherited from the order’s Promised By date when the order is originally processed.

Order Form → Improved Efficiencies (TSA-6629)

Why We Worked on This

This update reduces clicks on the order form by up to 50% for existing orders…!!!

Salesperson/Manager Dashboard → Orders to Review: Add Tabs for Submitted and Requests (TSA-15105)

Why We Worked on This

This update allows sales people to easily track relevant information.

Update Production (TSA-15050, TSA-15107)

Why We Worked on This

This update brings several of the improvements to the Delivery Update page to the Production Update page, maintaining the UX integrity.

Update Tax Jar API (TSA-15100)

Why We Worked on This

This brings the Tax Jar integration in sync with the latest API.

SSL Renewal (TSA-15099)

Why We Worked on This

This updates the automatic SSL renewal process for managed subdomains.

Extend Option Category Groups: Color, Custom Color and 3D Color (TSA-15060)

Why We Worked on This

This continues to lay the groundwork for the Bill of Material.

Operations: Move to Manage Operations Plan and Extend (TSA-14510)

Why We Worked on This

Continued improvements to Manage Operations and piece rate tracking and reporting.

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