How to Add a Store

How to Add a Store


A store in The Shed App can be used to represent a shed lot where sheds are sold. It can also be used to manage online sales in an online store. Adding a store for all shed sales lots you work with is recommended.



Before adding a store, you must add a location within your TSA (The Shed App) account to link with the store.

Steps to add a location for a store.

  1. Navigate to System > Lists > Locations

  2. Click “Add Location”

  3. Name the location

  4. Select “Store” as the category

  5. Fill out the address info and click add

Steps to Add a Store

  1. Navigate to System > Lists > Stores

  2. Click “Add Store”

  3. Toggle on “Active”

  4. Complete all necessary settings

  5. In the location setting, select the location that you added earlier

  6. Toggle on 'Online Store' ( Online stores are available for selection on the order form by guest users)

  7. Click “Create Store”

Your store should now be added and ready to use


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