The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20230224)

The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20230224)

NOTE: this update will be fully released as of February 24, 2023.

Create Orders Faster With an 80% Reduction in Clicks (TSA-15276 & TSA-15374 )


Why We Worked on This

The order form is the most used feature of The Shed App, and allowing users to get to the design stage faster and with fewer clicks streamlines the order creation process. With this update we have reduced clicks on the order form settings stage by a minimum of 80%! (In other words - making it really fast!) We have also improved the store and salesperson selection, making it much easier (and much faster!) for companies with numerous stores and salespeople to quickly find and select what they are looking for. Lastly, this updates the inventory search options and presentation, making it much easier to find and select the inventory building for an order. Enjoy!

Additional Updates


Feature: Support Widget (TSA-15131)

Why We Worked on This

Add in app support channel widget for admins.

Feature: Add Delivery for Open Order (TSA-15344)

Why We Worked on This

Yes - we are working on deliveries! This is one of the first of many steps we are taking to streamline the delivery scheduling and management process!

Feature: Sharing: Copy and Paste Links for Orders (TSA-15369)

Why We Worked on This

This allows a users to quickly and easily share URLs for links to the order form with specific parameters. For example, a link to the order form with a specific building design category preselected is available with a click of the button. Share options have been added for: Stores, Building Styles (soon to be Building Model Categories with the BoM updates), Building Model, Building Design Category and Building Design. In addition, the selection of a store is required for sharing order form links with an inventory unit pre-selected.


Update: Software Libraries (TSA-15419)

Why We Worked on This

Updated all of the software libraries and dependencies (security and workflow best practice).


Bug: Option Material Error (TSA-15372)

Why We Worked on This

The Option Materials list was bug prone in select cases.

Bug: Delivery Calendar: Delivery Confirmation (TSA-15373)

Why We Worked on This

In select cases, deliveries were not able to be confirmed.

Bug: Unable to Export Building Models and Options (TSA-15375)

Why We Worked on This

Building models and option export was broken for some cases.

Bug: Unable to Search by SN on Buildings → All (TSA-15376)

Why We Worked on This

In some cases, users were not able to search by building serial number on the buildings list page. This task resolved this issue.

Bug: Delivery Order PDF not clickable on Calendar (TSA-15378)

Why We Worked on This

Clicking on the Delivery Order PDF did not generate a modal as expected.

Bug: Unable to Sort Columns on Manage Inventory (TSA-15377)

Why We Worked on This

Several of the columns on Manage Inventory lost the sort ability with the Manage Views update. This task resolved this issue.

Bug: Dashboard Display (Unexpected Results) (TSA-15382)

Why We Worked on This

There were some unexpected results on the Dashboard Orders to Review element for certain View configurations. This task resolved the issues.

Bug: Filters for Boolean Flags (Unexpected Results) (TSA-15383)

Why We Worked on This

There were some unexpected results for some Views with specific filter criteria. This task resolved the issues.

Bug: 3D Color Selection (TSA-15385)

Why We Worked on This

The Views feature introduced a problem with 3D color selection. This task resolved the issue.

Bug: Duplicate Values Selected (TSA-15390)

Why We Worked on This

Duplicates were being created when some filters were selected for a View. This task resolved the issue.

Bug: Building Total Does Not Include All Surcharges (TSA-15398)

Why We Worked on This

The Total Price column for some buildings did not include all of the surcharges. This task resolved this issue.

Bug: Trial Accounts (TSA-15420)

Why We Worked on This

In select cases, trial accounts were not recording data as expected.

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