The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220813)

The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220813)

NOTE: this update will be fully released as of August 13, 2022.

Increase Profits By Offering Discounts (TSA-14532)


Additional Updates

Bug: Lead Generation Form Submittal (TSA-15142)

Why We Worked on This

This was a bug fix. A typo. Not much fun when it happens…

Oversight: Edit Building Page - Building Options Missing (TSA-15143)

Why We Worked on This

As a result of changes to the Building Design Editor, the Edit Building page broke. We missed this and doubled down to get it resolved ASAP.

Improvements to the Lead Generation Form and Postcode=Request (TSA-15144)

Why We Worked on This

The zip code was not being passed correctly from the lead generation form to the order requiring a postcode for store selection. This task resolved this issue.

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