The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220925)
The Shed App - This Week's Updates (20220925)
NOTE: this update will be fully released as of September 25, 2022.
Feature: Add 3D Basic Plan (TSA-14936)
Why We Worked on This
For companies and businesses that need to provide a 3D visual and configuration for sales.
Feature: Add 3D Sales Plan (TSA-15155)
Why We Worked on This
For companies and businesses that would like to focus on pre-sale operations.
Update: Operations (Generate and Regenerate) (TSA-15104)
Why We Worked on This
Improved the rules for when Operations are generated.
Update: Custom Message for Guest Users (TSA-15150)
Why We Worked on This
This allows a company to create a custom message on the order form for guest users.
Bug: Adding Railing in Firefox Browser - Redirect (TSA-15044)
Bug: Strange Character on Invoices for Company’s with UK Locale (TSA-15156)
Bug: Manager User Role: Access to Update Production When Product is Ready To Deliver (TSA-15157)
Why We Worked on This
For a select Production Status case, users with the Manager role attempting to access the Update Production Status page received a forbidden access message.
Bug: Share Link to Order Summary Error (TSA-15167)
Bug: Change Inventory Buildings on Order (TSA-15168)
Why We Worked on This
For a select order-flow case, changing the inventory building on an order resulted in the initial building maintaining a sold status.
Bug: Unable to Enter '.' on Sales Tax Rate Field on Select iOS Devices: (TSA-15168)
Bug: Trip Visibility on Delivery Schedule Calendar (TSA-15053)
Why We Worked on This
For a select scheduling case, trips were not visible after adding to the Delivery Calendar.
, multiple selections available,
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