How to use CtrL-f

How to use CtrL-f

This tool will speed up your search for order ids, serial numbers, customer names, and pretty much anything in The Shed App.

What is it?

This is a keyboard shortcut that will help you find exact text on web pages, pdfs, spreadsheets, emails, and pretty much anything you can view on your computer. Adding this to your daily workflow will increase your productivity.

How to use it?

Let's use it to find a specific order in The Shed App.

I have an exact payment amount of $4,243.05 and I know that this order was placed in the last couple of months but I don’t know the order id or the customers name. I only have the deposit amount to find this order. I also know that I can easily see all of the deposit amounts for each order in The Shed App, but looking at a long list of orders trying to find this exact payment sounds tedious.

Example Use Case

  1. Navigate to the page where the information is likely to be found

  2. On windows type Ctrl-f on Mac type Command-f

  3. Type in the text or number that you are searching for

  4. If that text or number appears on the page you are on, every instance will become highlighted so that you can easily find it.






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