How to Add a Store
A store in The Shed App can be used to represent a shed lot where sheds are sold. It can also be used to manage online sales in an online store. Adding a store for all shed sales lots you work with is recommended.
Before adding a store, you must add a location within your TSA (The Shed App) account to link with the store.
Steps to add a location for a store.
Navigate to System > Lists > Locations
Click “Add Location”
Name the location
Select “Store” as the category
Fill out the address info and click add
Steps to Add a Store
Navigate to System > Lists > Stores
Click “Add Store”
Toggle on “Active”
Complete all necessary settings
In the location setting, select the location that you added earlier
Toggle on 'Online Store' ( Online stores are available for selection on the order form by guest users)
Click “Create Store”
Your store should now be added and ready to use
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