
The Build to Order Product Feed is a unique URL provided for each store on The Shed App. It returns a tab-separated values (TSV) file. This file contains data for each of your building designs that can be used by 3rd parties enabling the creation of custom storefronts that showcase your building designs. Note that the Build to Order Product Feed will only return your Building Designs. If you want a feed of your in-stock buildings see the Inventory Product Feed.

How Does It Work?

Third-party services can be set up to request the product feed URL on a scheduled basis. Once the data is fetched, it can be used to populate a custom storefront, or fed into an existing 3rd party storefront/e-commerce application. This allows your customers to browse and select building designs as per their preferences.

Potential Use Cases

How to Access the Build to Order Product Feed

Accessing your Build to Order Product Feed is straightforward:

  1. Ensure that your TSA account has this feature by contacting

  2. Log in to your TSA account.

  3. Navigate to System > Lists > Stores > Edit Store.

  4. Find the Build to Order Product Feed section and copy your unique URL.

    1. Note: Attempting to open the URL directly in a browser may initiate a file download, which some browsers or devices, depending on security settings, may block.

Customize What Products Show

You have complete control over which building designs are included in the feed through the Product Category Availability setting. This means you can limit the feed to only include specific Building Design Categories that you wish to make available.

Example of What You'll Get in the File

We've provided a simple example to illustrate what the Build to Order Product Feed will return. This example demonstrates how the data is structured and how it can be utilized to enhance your online store's product offerings.

This file can be previewed with Excel, Numbers, Sheets, or any other spreadsheet program.