The Shed App has varying levels of accessibility depending on a user’s permission set. Roles are what determine these accessibility levels.

Admin Roles


Use this role for users who can add and delete anyone in the organization and manipulate any data. A user with this role is typically a business owner or manager.

Office Admin

Use this role for users who need access to everything at the corporate level to be able to add, edit, and delete data, except for other Office Admins & Administrators.

Sales Roles

Sales Manager

Use this role for users who need to create quotes and make sales and who may be in charge of a sales team. This role will be able to access all quotes and orders that have been created through any store that they are assigned to.

Sales Person

Use this role for users who need to create quotes and make sales. This role will only be able to access quotes and orders that they have created.

Production and Delivery Roles


Use this role for your users who need to manage all production processes.


Use this role for your builders in the shop. They will be able to update the production status of buildings as they progress through production.


Use this role for users who need to deliver buildings.

This role will be able to see and manage all deliveries that are assigned to them specifically, if the delivery is also marked “Driver is Dispatch”.
Deliveries will be visible to only the driver that is assigned to the delivery.
Deliveries that have no driver unassigned are not visible to any driver.