This article is meant to serve as a reference as you enter variables into an RTO contract. They are compiled into groups of values that are often used together in a contract. This is not an exhaustive list of variables.
VariableTag Name | Friendly Name | Value |
totalBuildingPrice | Building Price | {{ totalBuildingPrice }} |
orderTotalAmount | Order Amount without Tax | {{ orderTotalAmount}} |
rtoOrderAmount | RTO Amount | {{ rtoOrderAmount }} |
orderSalesTaxRate | Tax Rate | {{ orderSalesTaxRate }} |
rtoTerm | Term | {{ rtoTerm }} |
rtoTermRemainingPercentage | Early Purchase Percentage | {{ rtoTermRemainingPercentage }} |
rtoTotalContractAmount | Total Contract Amount without Tax | {{ rtoTotalContractAmount }} |
rtoTotalContractAmountWithTax | Total Contract Amount | {{ rtoTotalContractAmountWithTax }} |
totalCostOfRental | Total Cost of Rental | {{ totalCostOfRental }} |
VariableTag Name | Friendly Name | Value |
rtoInitialPayment | Initial Monthly Rent without Tax | {{ rtoInitialPayment }} |
rtoSecurityDeposit | Security Deposit | {{ rtoSecurityDeposit }} |
rtoAdvanceRent | Advanced Rent | {{ rtoAdvanceRent }} |
rtoCashReserveAccount | CRA without Tax | {{ rtoCashReserveAccount }} |
rtoLDWInitial | LDW without Tax | {{ rtoLDWInitial }} |
rtoTotalTax | Tax on Initial Payment to Contract Provider | {{ rtoTotalTax }} |
rtoTotalInitialPaymentAmountToCP | Total Initial Payment to Contract Provider (Sum of the Values) | {{ rtoTotalInitialPaymentAmountToCP }} |
VariableTag Name | Friendly Name | Value |
rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPayment | Monthly Rent without Tax | {{ rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPayment }} |
rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentTax | Tax on Monthly Rent | {{ rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentTax }} |
rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPayment | Total Monthly Rent without LDW | {{ rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPayment }} |
rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyPaymentLDW | Total Monthly Rent with LDW | {{ rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyPaymentLDW }} |
VariableTag Name | Friendly Name | Value |
rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentNoCRA | Monthly Rent without Tax, No CRA | {{ rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentNoCRA }} |
rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentTaxNoCRA | Tax on Monthly Rent, No CRA | {{ rtoAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentTaxNoCRA }} |
rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentNoCRA | Total Monthly Rent without LDW, No CRA | {{ rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentNoCRA }} |
rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentLDWNoCRA | Total Monthly Rent with LDW, No CRA | {{ rtoTotalAdvanceMonthlyRenewalPaymentLDWNoCRA }} |
Initial Monthly Rent without Tax: This value is calculated by taking the monthly rent and multiplying by the amount of months required to collect upfront. There is not tax in this value
Security Deposit: An amount that can be set by the contract provider. If it is set by the contract provider it will always be required. Additionally order options may be added to the security deposit (optional)
Advanced Rent: Any extra that the rental customer has paid and has not been applied to the CRA. This extra amount paid will not be applied to the RTO amount, so it will not decrease the monthly rent.
CRA: Customer Reserve Account. Any amount the customer has chosen to pay above the initial required amount. This extra can be calculated in variety of ways and will applied to the RTO amount. This will decrease the monthly rent.
LDW: Liability Damage Waiver. This is a small fee that the customer can pay on a monthly basis to waive their liability to damage of the building under certain circumstances
Tax on Initial Payment: This is the sum of all of the tax of the previous items
Total Initial Payment to Contract Provider: Sum of all above