
The purpose of this page is to provide guidance for new companies as they enter all existing inventory in The Shed App. Following the steps below will allow you to start tracking and selling existing inventory buildings right away.

Create an Inventory Request Order

  1. Click New Order > Store > Salesperson > Inventory Request

  2. Chose the Style > Size of the building

  3. Configure the building as required

  4. Click Save Order > Submit Order

  5. Navigate to the Dashboard and open the Manage menu for the order

  6. Click Process Order

  7. Toggle on This Item is already in stock

  8. Under Transitional Serial Number enter any existing serial number that you have for the building and click on Process Order

    1. This building will be marked Ready to Deliver

    2. The location will be updated to the store we selected in the order

At this point, you should be able to find this building on the “Manage Inventory” page. If you have the inventory storefront on your website this building will be available for a customer to purchase.

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